Teeth Cleanings

Refreshing Teeth Cleanings for a Bright and Healthy Smile

Gentle Care to Keep Your Smile Sparkling

At Milton Ga Dental, we understand the importance of regular teeth cleanings in maintaining optimal oral health. Our skilled dental hygienists provide gentle and thorough teeth cleanings to help you achieve a bright and healthy smile. With our meticulous attention to detail and commitment to your comfort, we ensure that your teeth cleaning experience is pleasant and effective.

Our Teeth Cleaning Process

During your teeth cleaning appointment at Milton Ga Dental, you can expect the following steps:

  • Personalized Consultation

    Our friendly dental hygienist will take the time to understand your dental history and address any concerns or questions you may have. We value open communication and aim to create a comfortable and relaxing environment for your visit.

  • Plaque and Tartar Removal

    Using specialized tools, our dental hygienist will carefully remove plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth. Even with regular brushing and flossing, some areas are difficult to reach, making professional cleaning essential for maintaining oral health.

  • Thorough Teeth Polishing

    After plaque and tartar removal, we will gently polish your teeth to remove surface stains and restore their natural shine. This step not only enhances the appearance of your smile but also helps prevent future staining and discoloration.

  • Flossing and Gum Care

    Our dental hygienist will skillfully floss between each tooth, ensuring that all debris and bacteria are removed from hard-to-reach areas. We will also provide guidance on proper flossing techniques and discuss the importance of gum care in maintaining healthy gums.

  • Oral Health Evaluation

    As part of the teeth cleaning process, our dental team will assess the overall health of your mouth. We will check for signs of gum disease, cavities, or any other oral health issues. Early detection and intervention are key to preventing more serious dental problems in the future.

  • Oral Hygiene Education

    We believe in empowering our patients to take control of their oral health. Our dental hygienist will provide personalized oral hygiene instructions, including brushing and flossing techniques, dietary recommendations, and tips for maintaining fresh breath.

Maintain Your Healthy Smile

Regular teeth cleanings are essential for preserving your oral health and achieving a radiant smile. At Milton Ga Dental, we recommend scheduling teeth cleanings every six months or as advised by our dental team. Our dedicated staff is here to support you in your journey to a healthy and beautiful smile.

Our Address

5755 North Point Pkwy STE 103, Alpharetta, GA 30022
Milton, GA, United States

Office Hours

9AM - 5PM on Weekdays
10AM-12PM on Saturday